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Until recently, most CCTV cameras were analog. The camera images were converted to what is technically a type of digital format but no IP address was assigned to the signal. An IP address is to a device on a computer network what a phone number is to a phone on a phone network. It is a unique identifier that enables hundreds–even millions–of signals from many different devices to move through a wire without “bumping in to each other”. With an analog camera, the camera image was sent over coaxial cable to the recording device and viewing monitor just like cable TV images come in to a home and are displayed on the TV or are recorded on your DVR. The image quality of the camera was limited by the technology. And when a videotape recorder was used to record the images, the image was usually reduced in quality further by the limitations of the VCR and tape. EGITS Provide the total surveillance security solutions depends on the best ever Egyptian brand names like Pelco, Samsung, HST, Hikvision, Somax, Biotech, Honeywell, Fine, zavio, vivotek and more.